New Budget Sofa Bed designs at the best style and value.

Smooch has budget Sofa Beds

When comparing any other Budget Sofa Bed on the market, bear in mind to keep away from the needless expense of sofa beds made in the clumsy, springy, bouncy foldout frames. Ours fold down at the back with the best possible and reliable click clack system available. Don’t be fooled by really cheap fabrics that entice you to low ball your requirements. One of the key areas of our Budget Sofa Bed is that youre getting a quality and reliable Smooch Sofa Bed with all its simplistic yet reliable, frame and foam design. All you need is a Budget Sofa Bed that does the job nicely . We do have a few functional Budget priced Sofa Beds to choose from. Remember that We are the experts !!

Tango Sofa Bed

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It’s up to you to make the best possible decision within your budget. We can show you through a range of different sizes, functions and construction.

Paris Sofa Bed


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So think about Smooch Sofa Beds for your quality sofa bed.  Buy online or give us a call.
For a selection of the fabrics get in touch, our team can help show you through the range. Also check out the sofa beds in person at our showroom located at 13h Saleyards Road Otahuhu.

SMOOCH Executive Sofa Bed



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Hurry now and get this amazing offer. Ask us for information on our color range.
Order your quality,  reliable SOFA BED from the Sofa Bed Experts !



To get your quality and reliable budget Sofa Bed quickly, we can send  you a colour sample of the fabrics now to make your decision.

Fabric Samples

Call us now on 09 6369848

Kind Regards,